Then the old woman rose, and creeping on her hands went into the hut.
Bolan let the group go by, then crept forward on his hands and knees.
Tom he made a sign to me- kind of a little noise with his mouth- and we went creeping away on our hands and knees.
Then he would creep forward on his hands and knees under the bushes.
He might have walked in as there was a doorway, but he preferred to creep on his hands and knees, I don't know why.
When Simon descended the woman came creeping toward him on her hands and knees.
Creeping on his hands, feet, and knees, he proceeds until he reaches the other side.
Still the man screamed and Nicholas began to creep forward on his hands and knees.
So he did not rise to his feet, rather crept on his hands and knees into the shadow of a standing stone.
Without waiting for an answer, he crept forward on his hands and knees so quietly that they could scarcely hear a movement.