"I'll be back in a few minutes," she said to Alex, feeling a twinge of guilt over the crestfallen expression on the shortstop's face.
At the girl's crestfallen expression, Starshine squeezed her hand.
Seeing my son's crestfallen expression, I begged her to reconsider.
And she couldn't bear his crestfallen expression, it was really too mean to tease him about that.
She suddenly noticed the crestfallen expression on her assistant's face, and smiled.
'Right idea, though' I added, seeing his crestfallen expression.
She saw her words strike home and laughed at his crestfallen expression.
She glanced at her escort, and the crestfallen expression on his face made her take a sudden decision.
Well, obviously that wasn't it, he thought as he saw Aria's crestfallen expression.
At Ruth's crestfallen expression, he added, "No one else can keep those greens under control."