At his command, the crew deployed the TB-16 for the time being, at least until they started their approach to shallow water.
Upon landing, the crew deployed the aircraft's emergency evacuation slides and evacuated passengers from the aircraft quickly.
A skilled crew can deploy the radar in around 10 minutes and recover it in around 6 minutes.
On that flight the crew deployed a satellite and conducted experiments in astrophysics and materials processing.
In addition, the crew will conduct 11 scientific experiments and deploy a 37,000-pound satellite to handle space-to-ground communications for spacecraft.
Early in 2003, stealth fighters and crews of the wing deployed to Southwest Asia.
Her crew deployed the pontoon unit; and, a little over an hour later at 1354, the first tank roared out of the ship's gaping bow doors.
The crew also deployed two small satellites.
Once in orbit the crew opened the payload bay doors, activated the radiators and deployed the K band antenna.
Once inside the station the crew deployed a collapsible parasol through the small scientific airlock to act as a sunshade.