This section will include physical and biological research to help human crews endure long spaceflights.
The cast and crew endured over six months of grueling six-day, 70-hour weeks on an isolated set.
The ship and crew had endured too many surprises at the Orions' hands in the last two weeks.
A ship's crew can only endure so many losses.
The cast and crew ostensibly endured many weeks of miserable weather to give the film its very realistic look.
During the next 2 years, the crew on the Tiri would endure adverse weather conditions, fatigue, and continued efforts to shut down the station.
The crew then endured a winter for which the expedition was poorly prepared.
Her surviving crew members were taken as prisoners of war and collectively they endured three ship sinkings.
In order to help the 12-person crew endure the long mission, a system of virtual reality modules are installed aboard the ship.
During the voyage south, the boat and crew endure storms and leaks.