The white room arrived at last, and the crew leapt into it.
When Captain Webster was hit, the crew abandoned attempts to launch the lifeboats and leapt into the sea.
As the two approached the crew leaped to attention.
Ships on both sides exploded and sank, their crews leaping overboard without benefit of parachute.
Cut off, the native crew leaped overboard and tried to swim back to shore.
Its crew leaped into action, shooting chemicals upon the lively flames that threatened the Star Spear.
Not being stupid, the crew chose that moment to mutiny and leaped back toward shore, sinking over its sneakers into black muck.
The wine fumes had vanished and a well-trained crew was leaping to stations.
As the ship was rolled and pummelled on to the beach by the waves, the crew leaped from the heavily listing deck into the sea.
As the crew leapt into the sea, they were strafed by the attacking aircraft.