Both crews plan to leave Jupiter separately when a launch window opens in several weeks.
Once the spring was clear, the crew planned to line it with rocks and install a pipe.
The crew is planning such a space walk next week to try to locate the hole in the Spektr.
Originally, the crew had planned on renting a real fetal skeleton, but the $3,000 cost forced them to make their own.
He said they had gone on a ship and crew were planning to eat Freddy.
Although the crew originally planned to try Colpoys and his officers for the shooting, they were all later released ashore.
Under the guise of selling a second gun, the crew planned to rob him, prosecutors say.
This year's cleanup began early this month and crews plan to stay in the area until Aug. 15.
With the help of their interpreter, the crew plans the itinerary for their trip.
On the way, the crew plans to mutiny because of the harsh treatment they receive from Lieutenant Parker.