Her officers and crew qualified for the clasp "Egypt" to the Naval General Service Medal, which the Admiralty issued in 1847 to all surviving claimants.
Kathy E. Thomas, Class of 1966, Major General, USAF Reserve (highest ranking woman in the A.F. Reserves), crew qualified as an operational space operator.
When the Grand Princess is filled, her 2,600 passengers and crew of 1,100 could qualify as a small town.
The mixed adaptive double crew of Captain Nick Beighton and Sam Scowen qualified for London 2012 at the World Rowing Championships.
In 1847 Her crew also qualified for the Naval General Service Medal with clasp "St. Domingo".
The other eight crews qualify for the final through regional tournaments.
The crew also qualified for the clasp "17 Mar.
Under the law, a mob family or crew qualifies as such an organization.
Each year FISA issues details of how many crews qualify at each regatta.
All other crews qualify via preliminary tournaments, although historically there have been a few instances of directly-invited crews (usually when there is no preliminary in that crew's region).