A rear cargo bin stood open, where Sinclair's crew had retrieved the power cables.
The orbiting Predator ship uncloaks and the crew retrieve the fallen Predator.
The crew investigates seal rookeries, cut timber and retrieve iron from the beached wreck of the Endeavour (see 1795-97).
Once airborne, the crew would winch the cable in and retrieve the personnel though the back of the aircraft.
Upon closer examination of the peculiar-looking drifting rock, the ship's crew retrieved the object hoping to find something of value.
The crew retrieve the cash without incident, but on checking it, realise there is significantly more than they expected.
The crew and the Demon retrieve the tank from a military warehouse and it is restored via magic.
The flag will remain displayed on board the space station until the next crew launched from the U.S. retrieves it for return to Earth.
The crew retrieved two disabled satellites and brought them back to earth.
The crew of the air-sea rescue launch investigated the sighting and retrieved a piece of damaged upholstery.