This crew can save your planet, if you let them.
The first fire company arrives late to the scene, long after Needles' crew has saved the children from the burning school.
So if this crew could save itself, it might also save the world.
The plaintiffs argues that the crew could have saved the ship but failed.
Once again her crew saved their ship, controlling flooding with skill and determination.
The crew fought fire and flooding for five hours and saved the ship.
Webber and his crew saved 33 of the 34 Pendleton crewmen.
This crew saved your hide, gods rot it, not just because you're male.
Johncock's crew saved time by giving him just enough fuel to finish the race, sending him out with an 11-second lead.
Victor acknowledges that the crew saved his and Joe's lives by refusing to let them get off the ship on the life raft.