Surridge was arguably the most successful cricket captain ever in the first-class game in England.
Taylor has been heir apparent to the Australian cricket captain for the past two years.
Regardless, the coach is merely an adviser, it is almost always the case that the cricket captain has complete authority over the team once play starts.
He was a cricket captain, and became dux of his senior year.
If any cricket captain, ever, knows how to motivate and get the best out of a player, surely it's Brearley.
He went to the Winchester School, where he was cricket captain.
Does England have too many cricket captains?
England's cricket captain was dismissed when the tabloids found a blond barmaid he knew too well.
The story featured a cricket captain who hired a horse for his team, who ends up as a good player but can't run.
Bill Brown, 95, Australian cricket captain, member of 1948 Invincibles team.