And that's how I can commit a crime, directed at the father of my lover, with- out conscience or remorse or self-disgust.
It signified that future crime, directed against the two-million-dollar shipment, would surely come to grief.
Since there is crime directed at taxi drivers, do not allow taxis to pick up other passengers while you are en route.
Most violent crime occurs within the local community, although violent crime directed at foreigners is not unknown.
Violent crime, especially directed against foreigners, has traditionally been uncommon, although in recent years there has been a modest increase.
Of 19 crimes directed at Hispanics, 13 were assaults, 4 were aggravated harrassment; 1 harassment and 1 other.
But the truly unpardonable crime in this heavenly hell of a production, directed by Nicholas Martin, is silence, which means boredom.
Of the 178 crimes last year directed against religious conviction, all but six were against Jews.
A "direction to leave" which will see any individual causing or likely to cause crime directed away from a particular place and "related items" confiscated.
"The law has provided no evidence of crime directed at either Glencoe or Mance."