He said she had not been charged with any crimes related to drugs or alcohol.
Three previous witnesses pleaded guilty to crimes related to Enron.
Seven were ultimately convicted for federal crimes related to the murders.
All told, 18 people have been charged with crimes related to Enron; of that number, 8 were indicted for the first time today.
He was the first of the administration to be incarcerated for crimes related to the Watergate scandal in 1974.
The military also announced the conviction of 12 Iraqis on crimes related to terrorism.
On July 10, 2007, charges were filed against two individuals for crimes related to the robbery and death.
He was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months for crimes related to terrorism.
According to a few media reports in 2007, a limited number of public servants were arrested for crimes related to trafficking.
Three inmates have been convicted of crimes related to the escape attempt.