Police officials say the age figures sound right, since most crime suspects fit that description.
He has also formed an intelligence unit to track the most ruthless crime suspects and built strong ties with federal authorities to help catch them.
He also spoke repeatedly about beating crime suspects and disregarding constitutional requirements for collecting evidence.
Another focused on his shooting of a fleeing crime suspect.
The Miranda rights are given to crime suspects.
Police guidelines forbid civilian patrols to pursue crime suspects.
The lawsuit focused on a five-year period in which the police killed 15 black crime suspects but not a single white suspect.
Many capital city residents were appalled by the executions even though the victims may well have been crime suspects.
Over the course of the last two days I had learned that I was both a crime suspect and a target for assassins.
"serious concerns about ill treatment and violence, in some cases leading to death, by the police against crime suspects."