The criminal courthouse in Manhattan is surely among the most intriguing courts in the country, having spawned the entire "Law and Order" series among other television dramas and comedies.
The tempo was almost as languorous across the street, at 100 Centre Street, home of the city's criminal courthouse - probably the busiest city agency around.
Imagine a similar pedestrian walking past the criminal courthouse in Los Angeles.
But off the field, partly in criminal courthouses in and around Dallas but more broadly in the court of public opinion, the team and its brash owner, Jerry Jones, are waging a very different and less successful battle.
It forced her, poor thing, to appear the other day at the criminal courthouse on Centre Street.
A quiet revolution is afoot at 100 Centre Street, America's busiest criminal courthouse.
What do Mary Conn's brassiere, a metal detector and the question of just how much vulgarity is used around the average criminal courthouse have in common?
At 4 P.M. he was inside the criminal courthouse at 100 Centre Street, outside a courtroom.
Or that the new criminal courthouse and the expansion of the Bronx Museum of the Arts are nearing completion.
New York City has metal detectors in all criminal and family courthouses, though not in seven of its civil courthouses.