A letter written by Johnny, exposing Sam's criminal dealings is found and Sam commits suicide as a result.
He was perhaps most infamous as a "bunco steerer" and was alleged to have stolen around $500,000 in his criminal dealings.
Mr. Sculley left several months later, unable to fix problems that ranged from financial losses to criminal dealings by managers.
Manning said that the diplomatic documents expose "almost criminal political back dealings" and that they explain "how the first world exploits the third, in detail".
He has stolen Frank's encoded black book, which holds the details of all of his criminal dealings.
She confronts Max, who says he was involved in criminal dealings causing someone to get hurt.
The whole enterprise merely encourages criminal dealings.
As he grows up he aspires to emulate Les' criminal dealings.
We know that some of the men she knew in the Bronx had criminal dealings.
Season two deals primarily with the criminal dealings of the Bennett clan.