While such principles are high-minded and defensible in the abstract, they fail to reflect the reality of criminal jurisprudence.
Eventually, he took teaching positions at the universities in Mainz and Zurich and wrote several books on criminal jurisprudence.
Singh's trial is generally considered to be an important event in the Indian history, as it went contrary to the fundamental doctrine of criminal jurisprudence.
In Islamic criminal jurisprudence, a tazir crime is a crime that is punished according to a judge's discretion.
This is a sub-article of Islamic criminal jurisprudence and Blood money (term).
It was the seat, too, of his nephew and namesake, Baron Hume (1756-1838), the eminent writer on criminal jurisprudence.
In other words, being retained to watch brief should never be one passive, boring duty but one that should interest every lawyer interested in criminal jurisprudence.
The judge assented, saying it was only the second time "in the history of criminal jurisprudence in this State that the question ever arose."
In the same year appeared the third book, relating entirely to the principles of criminal jurisprudence.