The objective is to free the town of Hicksville from the band of criminals known as the Wingates.
These criminals, known as Chaos Overlords, bribed WUS to avoid crackdowns.
The trafficking in Chinese immigrants is controlled by shadowy criminals known as snakeheads.
Are you participating actively in the search for the criminals known as Fury and Hydra?
The perpetrators, according to some experts in Chinese smuggling, are a rising group of criminals, known in Chinese as dashou, or enforcers.
There are various group of criminals also known as "Giroh" which are currently active in this region.
The Panther Gang - A group of criminals known for robbery.
Humble's suspicion is that these players were criminals known by the dealers, and the dealers were also being paid off by crime lords.
An Edenist serpent, Laton was one of the greatest criminals known to his culture.
Brooke and Hyatt went to work on pulling the names of criminals known to associate with Takeshi Sayura.