If a company runs a contest in Rhode Island, and fails to file a statement correctly, the company is actually guilty of a criminal misdemeanor!
Since then, all traffic violations and criminal misdemeanors were to be referred to state court in Pawtucket.
Those not complying could be guilty of a criminal misdemeanor or a felony for repeat offenses.
For driving 86 or faster, a motorist can be charged with reckless driving, a criminal misdemeanor.
Specifically, he was charged with criminal misdemeanors involving $900 worth of lunches and dinners over a period of seven years.
A jury in an upscale Detroit suburb today convicted the parents of a wayward teen-ager of a criminal misdemeanor for failing to control him.
Violation of the ordinance is a criminal misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and and a fine of up to $1,000.
"Adultery is technically still a criminal misdemeanor, but I don't see the district attorney going after anyone in Ulster County on that issue."
In 2005 he was charged with 10 criminal misdemeanor counts related to alleged sexual contact with teens and young adults.
An intentional and knowing violation of the act that is found to be a criminal misdemeanor is punishable by up to a year in jail.