He was charged with criminal use of a firearm and reckless endangerment.
"He was, and is, a great governor from the standpoint of knowing where to put the emphasis: on prosecuting the criminal use of guns."
The counsel's office sends out 60 to 100 such notices a year for similar criminal uses of the presidential seal.
Their opponents argue that criminal use of guns is a product abuse, not the manufacturer's fault.
These appliances require no skill to operate, but are noisy so their usefulness for criminal use is limited.
Think of what criminal uses could be made of the tele-transport.
Micro-payments can replace cash to some extent, which means there are possibilities for fraudulent and criminal use.
Research for the study in several cities did show a significant decline in the criminal use of assault weapons during the ban.
But now the Americans are being disproportionate in their actions, in this criminal use of force, which is indiscriminate.
In recent years the criminal use of scopolamine has become an epidemic.