Harbinger has crimson feathers and black eyes that weep pus.
Under the gray was brilliant yellow, and a tube protruding from a splash of crimson feathers.
The admiral's blood mixed with the blue princely plumage and spread across the deck to join, at last, with the single crimson feather of his queen.
He'd been driving non-stop at high speed for several hours when a fire-trail bloomed in the sky and moved like a tiny crimson feather across the stars.
The darts were light and perfectly balanced, feathered with crimson and green feathers from some exotic bird.
The plumage is largely green and the tail and wings are dark purplish, except for the crimson primary feathers that are very distinct in flight.
Hundreds of crimson ostrich feathers were arranged in intricately sewn layers so that they caught the light and fluttered as the dress moved.
Each member of these brigades, composed of three companies each, wore a cloak of blazing scarlet and a tall helmet plumed with crimson feathers.
A thin band of gold passed round its head under one ear and over the other and in this was stuck a long crimson feather.
About 2 feet high, he wears a long crimson feather on his head and a long sword.