The school colors are "crimson and olde gold" as stated in the student handbook, The Clipper's Compass.
Giant trees with snow-white rind, dark green and crimson gold of the foliage.
He pressed his being toward that crimson gold, mind-levering himself at whatever it represented.
But it was still cold, and he searched for a direction, for the faded crimson gold.
Where was the crimson gold?
Slowly, too slowly, it seemed, they moved closer to the faded crimson gold of Dereka.
He refocused himself on the crimson gold and could sense that he was back close to the Table chamber.
The closest locator was the bright blue of Tempre, and there was also one of crimson gold that beckoned.
A rogue wanted out, wanted a new life and a trophy worthy of a master thief - the source of the treasured crimson gold.
But there was a wonderful sunrise the next morning . . . crimson and warm gold flushing up into the blue.