It was not what I expected among the autumnally crimson leaves and the boiled wool of the parents' weekend scene.
He slashed right and left as the fallen banner was ripped apart, the thousand ragged pieces swirling away like crimson leaves in a stormwind.
Years falling away like crimson leaves whirled in an autumn storm.
On Mount Hamilton Overlook are the viburnums with their crimson leaves and colored berries.
In addition, a crimson leaf, meant to represent the color of human blood, is tucked into each piece in honor of the dead.
It was a large flower with crimson leaves.
They also created the Ellcrys, a beautiful silver tree with crimson leaves to maintain the Forbidding.
For an instant she had a flash of his car, like a crimson leaf blowing south through the darkening green of pines and maples.
She reached out and plucked the crimson leaf from his hair, holding it out to him.
It was early autumn as they crested the first low range, and the valleys beyond were aflame with crimson leaves.