Blaine peered at the dials through the crimson mist.
The shadows appeared to form directly beneath the canopy of crimson mist.
Then a black and crimson mist began to drift into the edges of his vision.
Waleryn nodded and looked into the reflective surface of the Table, where crimson mists appeared.
Below me a floor of crimson mist, a featureless plane, extended to infinity.
Ryan stood up, feeling the familiar rise of anger, the crimson mist that flowed down over his brain when the rage took him.
Everything around him was fading into the crimson mist that fogged his mind.
The crimson mist stopped, and was followed immediately by a yellow spray, probably some fungicide.
Smoke filled the corridor, and blood flew on the air in a crimson mist.
I'm surprised you can even see the keyboard through the crimson mist of your hot funk.