His fate did not lie here - but far ahead, in the huge, crimson sun toward which the space pod was now unmistakably falling.
Then, when the first arc of crimson sun returned to the sky, I saw that the thing on the shoal was indeed moving.
The horizon showed a line of towers and temples with a crimson sun setting behind.
There was one of a crimson sun setting behind blue mountains.
A thunderclap filled the hall, a light burst like a crimson sun, and the broken weapon fell in pieces to the ground.
In turn, Hojanger eventually gave way to the ice field dominating the horizon, bathed by a crimson sun.
Nestled in the light green of spring leaves, thousands of windows reflected the crimson sun.
The red Very light popped as he finished speaking and went hissing away into the gloomy sky to hang like a crimson sun.
Far from the ships drifting in space hung a strange crimson sun.
An immense crimson sun came into view surrounded by a faint haze.