The feeding of red spider mites could cause the crinkled leaves of basil.
Plants with a mutated cr4 gene are shorter than normal and produce crinkled leaves.
Granted, the cover-girl plants are gorgeous; Rheum tibeticum, an ornamental rhubarb with great crinkled deep green leaves and pink flowers ($15), is definitely on my list.
The crinkled, medium-green leaves are resistant to most rose diseases, and the plants themselves quickly grow into handsome shrubs.
Its crinkled red and green leaves, its vermilion stems edged with purple, the sheen on its rounded hairy root are accurate, yes.
The sailu was snuggled up in her hand as she fed it with the crinkled red and green leaves of a lollo lettuce.
I can never have enough Melody hybrid spinach, a dark green, slightly crinkled leaf with loads of flavor.
But Mr. Nelson pointed to the crinkled leaves on the floor.
On the eighth green, the culprits were a pair of crinkled leaves that tumbled by Els's ball, interrupting his preshot routine and bringing a chuckle from the gallery.
A generous blue-green terra-cotta pot, set inside a waist-high cylinder of reinforcing wire, is bursting with the crinkled, dark crimson leaves of a lettuce called Merlot.