In February 2010, top American lawmakers warned that the "threat of a crippling attack on telecommunications and computer networks was sharply on the rise."
He endured galling professional setbacks and crippling attacks of gout with the same philosophical equanimity, if not acquiescence.
In 635, under the general Li Jing, Tang forces made a major crippling attack on Tuyuhun, forcing Murong Fuyun to flee.
Skilful horsemanship overcame those problems, but then just 24 hours before the Derby, Nijinsky suffered a crippling attack of colic.
All in all, the 'indulgency pattern was subjected to a crippling attack, and workers' hostility rapidly mounted' (p.28).
Over the following week a series of equally crippling denial-of-service attacks affected many other major internet sites including eBay,, E*TRADE, and
Mr. Yeltstin's office insists the 67-year-old President is suffering from general weakness as a result of a crippling attack of bronchitis.
It was a savage and crippling attack that flung him onto the floor, his mouth flopping open in a silent, anguished scream.
Vulcan, Tellar, and Andor were hit by crippling attacks, along with our allies on Qo'noS, and several other independent worlds.
And John Davidson, a former goalie for the New York Rangers, spent weeks in traction to ease his crippling attack of sciatica.