His crippling wounds included a broken arm, a punctured lung, contusions of the head and a mangled leg.
Musket fire halted them, with de Hoces receiving a crippling wound in his left elbow and side.
Weren't they crippling wounds, a thousand amputations?
Without speech his mind was a desert realm, devastated by agnosia as deep as the crippling wound in the left side of his skull.
But even with a crippling wound, they feared the savage power of his sword.
A shattered kneecap was just about the most painful and crippling single wound possible to inflict.
The destruction of Flight 103 leaves us all with more crippling wounds than we can see.
Left field command for staff duties after crippling wounds.
Here, a crippling wound was a ticket to the next world, not back to a shaded prison cell in Eylau.
"Where did he ever get such crippling wounds?"