Mr. Rubin brought burden-sharing to the fore again in a speech last October, when the global financial crisis, deepened by Russian default, was at its worst and the Clinton Administration was talking of a new international financial architecture to deal with such problems.
That provoked an internal crisis, deepened by the Great Depression, paucity of funding for the union, and perpetual reprisals against the porters by the Pullman company, which led to a sharp drop in BSCP membership.
As the national crisis deepened after Abraham Lincoln was elected President, Brown was transferred to the Atlantic and, in company with four other cutters, arrived at Boston late in December 1861.
The emergency meeting here, which began on Monday, was called as a Europe-wide crisis deepened after the disclosure by British scientists of suspicions that mad cow disease - or bovine spongiform encephalopathy - may be transmissible through beef and beef products to cause the invariably fatal Creuzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans.
As the political crisis deepened in March, many serving Bengali officers of the Pakistan Armed Forces began looking to Bengali politicians for guidance, and Col. Osmani was selected as the coordinator of these clandestine meetings.
The country's economic crisis deepened in the mid-1980s, resulting in, among other things, increased unemployment, a lack of consumer goods, and shortages in cooking oil, semolina, coffee, and tea.
Observers of Cuban affairs say that things began to change rapidly as the country's economic crisis deepened after the loss of cash subsidies from the former Soviet Union.
Since the Asian crisis deepened in October, Brazil has dug in for what senior Brazilian officials call "the moral equivalent of war" - a war to prevent Brazil from becoming "the next domino."
As the crisis deepened with the Ulster Volunteers drilling openly Churchill arranged for a Royal Naval battleship squadron to cruise off Belfast without first raising the issue in Cabinet.
Israeli and Palestinian intelligence officials have stopped meeting regularly to share information since the political crisis deepened when work began March 18 on a new Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem.