Dangers and crises marked the foreign scene as Truman campaigned successfully in 1948.
The current crisis marks a dangerous escalation, experts say.
Social and economic crises marked the 18th century.
A growing crisis of communist party control over universities, the literary community, and intellectuals more generally, marked the mid-1960s.
The following year, they advanced the argument that the global financial crisis marked a watershed in boomer behavior.
Yet some say that the current crisis, perhaps the worst since the economy began foundering, may mark a turning point.
I suspect this crisis will mark a change of some kind in Japanese political culture.
The crisis marked a period of national mobilization, where schedules around the country shifted to accommodate for the control of the virus.
The crisis arguably marks the end of Britain's status as a superpower, being able to act and control international affairs without assistance or coalition.
The crisis marked a departure from our European way of doing business.