A third choice, duckling in a sweet-sour raspberry demiglaze served with crisp wild-rice-pecan cakes, kept the winning streak going.
Thin and crisp cakes of casabe are often broken apart and eaten like crackers.
Instead he passed around crisp little cakes.
And mushy hash brown potatoes have turned into crisp cakes that crackle before melting into tenderness.
Since he was also hungry, he ate some of the hard, crisp cake.
She took up a plate of the crisp little fried cakes which always made their appearance on these nights, and went over to Jaelle.
Dry, crisp cakes are often the result of an oven temperature that is too hot.
The steward brought a hot, yeasty decoction in a silver pot and poured it into cups, then served warm, crisp cakes for breakfast.
Conrad broke the crisp little cake in two and stuffed half in his cheek.
I ate the moistened ones first and made my way down to the cooled crisp little cakes sheltered on the bottom.