The brightness and crisp colors result from a different screen technology.
But its two-inch screen is now in bright, crisp color.
A cultivar, which has a strikingly crisp, pure-white colour, is usually grown in gardens more than the direct species.
Under bright, direct light, like a desk lamp or a clear summer sky, you see bright, crisp color against a whitish background.
Its jazzy design and crisp colors, cleanly reproduced on new presses, made The Herald that was wrapped around it seem downright dowdy.
The place was bright and cool, done in crisp colors and boasting a cheery wait staff who were bouncy on their feet.
According to John Lewis, we are all going to opt for the "refined Puritan" trend this year, with clean, whittled-down lines and crisp colours.
The tight stitch of the pattern and its crisp colors all rippled with the progress of dawn.
A prerecorded image snapped to life in crisp colors and sharp shadows.
Though initially popular for the clean lines and crisp colours of his work, his career never recovered from the blow it received during this time.