A comparative model of control, Molly Mason's sleek metal sculptures invent crisp forms to symbolize cosmic elements and combine different tonalities to increase the dialogue between separate shapes.
Also like the others, this one is strikingly sculptural, with crisp geometric forms that strive for harmony with the surrounding landscape.
The eroticism, the preference for crisp forms that hints at his carpentry skills, and even certain leitmotifs, like open windows, drawn curtains and faceless figures, are already to be found.
After all, it's hard to beat Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé for sauvignon blanc in its purest form: crisp, piquant and herbal.
A further threat to cassettes over the long term will be digital audio tapes, which store music in the same crisp digital form as compact disks.
Although Lichtenstein's trademark style - bright, crisp forms enclosed in hard black outlines that are legible at great distances - seems tailor-made for mural formats, he was resistant to creating them.
But after putting in a frisky effort against the Rockets on Tuesday, Ewing did not display the same crisp form tonight.
In classic and formal western culture traditional water garden and reflecting pool landscapes the stepping stones may be crisp rectilinear forms of stone with honed or flame-treated surfaces.
With its use of glass, reduction in detail and crisp geometric forms, the new version of Columbus Center resumes the abstraction process.
His hard-edged abtract paintings from 1970, with their crisp diagonal forms, matte surfaces and metallic colors, have terrific formal panache and are attractively paired with more recent work.