When the Mariner 9 probe arrived at Mars in 1971, the world expected to see crisp new pictures of surface detail.
HD gives you exceptionally clear, crisp pictures with vivid colours and up to five times more detail than standard definition.
It has in-built features for surfing, gaming, watching videos and taking crisp pictures.
In Pittsburgh, the Plexiglas behind home is too thick to allow for a crisp picture.
Toshiba's Regza 57LX177 is a large set with a crisp picture.
But beneath its skin Apple made big changes, packing it with a better camera that shoots crisper pictures and video.
The crisp black-and-white picture showed he'd entered the personnel-transfer pressure capsule, and brought the camera in with him.
The sonar subsystem did not produce crisp pictures, only outlines of objects.
The screen blurred, then hardened into a crisp picture.
The technology produces crisper pictures than can be offered by existing flat-panel televisions, the manufacturers say.