Resort Area Is Quiet These crisp winter days, the hotels are mostly empty and Galveston is left with its resident population of 65,000.
Addressing an audience of 5,000 gathered on a brilliant and crisp winter day, Mr. Giuliani pledged to "summon our courage to raise our hope and to build our confidence."
On a crisp winter afternoon, a half-dozen middle-aged black men huddled around a chess table in the shadow of the Martin Luther King Jr.
Only the house again, with the winter cold outside it, crisp and windless and clean.
The crisp winter cold penetrated the walls of the villa that King Scrainwood of Oriosa had taken in Narriz.
It enjoys one of New Zealand's sunniest climates, with hot, relatively dry summers and crisp winters.
As I made my way to the Stuck Pig through the crisp winter night, I pondered what steps I should take.
At dismissal time on a recent crisp winter afternoon, Mr. Albano was greeted by friendly shouts from students as he stood in front of the imposing Pennington-Grimes school building, where he still teaches.
The Mackenzie District has a dry temperate-continental climate with clear, crisp snowy winters and long, hot summers.
They left before the sun quartered the sky, and rode out into a bright, crisp winter day.