Public Domain received mostly positive reviews, although many critics did not choose to review the movie.
Particularly offensive to critics was choosing candidates based on "good citizenship."
Unfortunately, not one critic in any part of the world chose to compliment me on the speed.
Rather than addressing the issues and arguments raised by Lyndon, most critics instead chose to abuse him personally.
Judging from some media commentary surrounding the trade debate, it's clear that critics choose not to understand why the amendment is necessary.
Some critics have chosen to focus on the disadvantages she has, and present Bel-imperia mainly as a victim.
Polled next week, various critics might well choose differently.
In an attempt to identify the cause, critics have chosen the easy target: athletes.
Most critics when caught beneath the glare of her golden-brown eyes chose to agree rather than argue.
The critics of Vance-Owen choose to forget that the plan is not simply the only settlement on the table.