Not even the harshest critic would today deny that Israel has been an astonishing achievement of human will and spirit.
Only the sourest critic would deny the immense service rendered by the Munich stations.
Today, even the most ardent critics of Africa cannot deny the historical imperative for a strong, unified continent.
Even its critics could not deny it has improved standards.
Even the critics of DiIulio and his office haven't denied that.
When affirmative action works, its critics deny its essential nature.
Few critics would deny its electricity and imagination on the page, but it has always been a nightmare to translate into a satisfying production.
While the band did gain success with their chart debut, critics initially denied the band respect.
When critics of reform deny the existence of a problem, we can only read their criticisms as political gamesmanship.
Traditions Reaffirmed The critics deny that the excerpts are misleading.