Naval architects and sailors from the Western hemisphere claimed that the Japanese battleships were too "top-heavy" and critics often mocked these vessels by nicknaming them "Christmas Trees".
The book has been widely praised, but some critics have mocked Mr. Ben Jelloun as naive.
Although the conservative critics mocked the lucidity of Bankim Chandra's language, Durgeshnandini was highly praised by most of the contemporary scholars and newspapers.
Hoping to begin a public dialogue on issues of equality and justice, Franklin found only frustration, as critics mocked the committee for its political correctness.
It's easy to satirize Twitter's trendiness, and cranky critics have mocked the banality of most tweets and questioned whether we really need such an assault upon our powers of concentration.
Some critics, including X-Play, have stated that this was the only redeeming quality, and mocked id's Doom 3 for not implementing such a concept.
Offended by his avoidance of service in Vietnam, military critics mocked his saluting style.
In The New Republic, the critic and Oxford professor Richard Jenkyns cleverly mocked Greenblatt's technique: "Some people have birthmarks, and so Shakespeare may have had one.
But, as Cannon shows in this lucid account, Reagan's critics mocked him as a lightweight from the start.
When Anne Sexton wrote her hilarious rant "In Celebration of My Uterus," critics mocked her for considering such crassly female subject matter for poetry.