Some critics of Mr. Frohnmayer's original decision to withdraw the grant to Artists Space praised his reversal yesterday.
But critics of the board's decision say it was distorted by Goldman's analysis, which consisted of varying calculations resulting in a range of possible valuations.
He continued to be a major critic of the Social-Democratic leadership under Karl Kautsky and its decision to acquiesce in going to war.
NATO's expansion also failed to sink the treaty, as critics of the alliance's decision to accept new Central European members had feared.
But there are critics of Macy's decision to put Bullock's under the Macy Atlanta division.
Armand was a staunch critic of the Soviet government's decision to sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
Ms. Campbell was among the most outspoken critics of President Bush's decision to go to war in the Persian Gulf.
He has been an outspoken critic of the George W. Bush administration's decision to 2003 invasion of Iraq.
But the German government was an especially vociferous critic of the Bush administration's decision to use military force to topple Mr. Hussein.
He is a stern critic of the ECB's decision to plough ahead with an interest rate rise in July.