Azazi took a systematic approach to the reform of Nigeria's security and intelligence apparatus, with a low-key demeanor that some critics termed as indifference.
Fans and critics have termed this sound post-metal.
While the deal is a priority for the Air Force, critics term the program a "Boeing bailout."
If any Indian filmmaker would've made it, the critics would've termed it a 'convenient film'.
Political critics termed the offer a cynical and desperate attempt by the party to exploit the grieving widow and gather sympathy votes in the national election.
Many critics and the public termed Sumanth's portrayal of a young cricket coach as one of his finest roles to date.
He is considered by many to be one of the most important modern Chinese essayists today, although some critics have termed him as an intellectual narcissist.
Some critics, however, termed it little more than a bailout for ailing parochial schools.
They blamed the superintendent, John Howard Jr., whom some critics have termed autocratic and ineffectual in guiding the 12,000-student district.
The panel was not examining the shooting, but rather the police department's investigation of it, an inquiry that critics had termed sloppy and hasty.