A victim of critical disdain and audience indifference, the show closed five weeks later on July 10.
The reasons for that critical disdain are hard to pin down.
For more than a decade after the concerto's first performance, it suffered from neglect and critical disdain.
The critical success of the Fourth juxtaposed with the critical disdain for the Twelfth led to speculation that Shostakovich's creative powers were on the wane.
Despite his achievements and considerable popularity with the musical public, Korngold for years attracted almost no positive critical attention, but considerable critical disdain.
(1959), and a tragi-comic study of old age, Waiting in the Wings (1960), both of which were successful despite "critical disdain".
In his last 13 years, Wright published seven books to decreasing sales and increasing critical disdain.
And although the music is generally held in critical disdain, psychedelic trance can be exhilirating.
Because of how Austin is portrayed on the show, she has been met with critical disdain and referred to by press media as the show's villain.
The Cubists had become by 1911 a legitimate target for critical disdain and satirical wit.