It received a critical drubbing and earned merely $2.2 million at the box office, despite playing on more than 500 screens.
Another film on his watch, "Return to the Blue Lagoon," took a financial and critical drubbing.
So why did it end with dwindling audiences and a critical drubbing?
It was cancelled after two episodes on September 22 after disastrous ratings and critical drubbing.
He was philosophical about the critical drubbing he received.
Vanilla Ice's record received an almost unanimous critical drubbing.
He insists, however, that his confidence had not been shaken by the critical drubbing he received.
That show, about young couples and children, has defied a universal critical drubbing to establish itself as a dependable performer.
Despite a critical drubbing, the 18 th James Bond film still grossed $66 million in its first two weeks.
That said, even a critical drubbing may not be enough to stop the party.