Over the last several years, the critical establishment has beaten a path to his door bearing laurels and awards.
The psychiatric wing of the critical establishment has, of course, been busy, too.
Non-melodic, dissonant, often frantic, the new music was savagely attacked by the critical establishment.
And this mix appeals to the inner juvenile of many members of the critical establishment.
A year later came Eliza, in a production that was not lovingly embraced by the critical establishment.
If the critical establishment has never warmed up to Mr. Robbins, film makers have also had a hard time with his work.
"The critical establishment can't bring itself to include ordinary people who deal with art in their own way."
So it is no surprise that rhythmic innovation, or experimentation, is often overlooked by the critical establishment.
Nothing is derided more by the critical establishment than middle-class life.
The tragedy in this country is that the critical establishment has found it impossible to embrace those talents.