Other critical interventions are often united by a thin thread that identifies values early in the artist and natural attachment to popular traditions, moral honesty, humility and frank simplicity.
Smith's work makes a critical intervention in Native American Studies that has a tendency to dismiss patriarchy as outside the purview of analysis of Native scholarship.
AAION requires urgent and critical intervention with a very long course of corticosteroids to prevent further damage.
People outside the child welfare and health arenas can make a critical and possibly lifesaving intervention if they are knowledgeable about steps they can take to intervene safely.
And for the second straight game, Villas-Boas had Lampard to thank for the critical intervention.
The Open Culture Research Group organizes skill-shares on topics such as shared distribution, open licensing among artists, and design methodologies toward social change and critical intervention.
It would be a tragedy if Swazi women were denied this critical intervention because lawmakers in Washington decided another prevention method was more important.
The second operation was mainly carried out due to the critical intervention and international pressure of the U.S.
Particularly the "ABC"s of first aid, which focus on critical life-saving intervention, must be rendered before treatment of less serious injuries.
During his 2002 tour in Japan, Paredes met several people who were highly critical of the US military interventions.