It may or may not be the last word, but at the very least it provides ample evidence that a critical re-evaluation of these musicians' 20-year career is long overdue.
However, Browning's later work has been undergoing a major critical re-evaluation in recent years, and much of it remains of interest for its poetic quality and psychological insight.
Though they were almost unknown in their time, in recent years they have undergone a critical re-evaluation much like the Velvet Underground.
The film was suppressed for many years, but has since received critical re-evaluation and been released on DVD uncut.
Edgar Ulmer died in 1972, well ahead of the full revival of Detour, and the critical re-evaluation of his career.
After decades of neglect, Brunel's work has latterly been rediscovered and has undergone a critical re-evaluation.
Reviewer Paul Gambaccini said that Gaye's death marked a critical re-evaluation of the album, with most reviewers now regarding it as a major masterpiece in popular music.
But lots of Christians do that without going the Oswald Chambers route - abandoning rational analysis and critical re-evaluation for ineffable intuition and iron certainty.
This has resulted in critical re-evaluation of examinations as a whole by educationalists .