Though he received his fair share of accolades for his work in Traffic, the music on display here deserves similar critical reappraisal.
His work warrants critical reappraisal.
As years passed however, it was the band's earlier incarnation as 1-2-3 that became the subject of a critical reappraisal.
Then in the early 2000s, No Other was finally reissued in its entirety to positive critical reappraisal.
Knowledge of results and motor learning: A review and critical reappraisal.
Would be nice if he benefited from a bit of critical reappraisal before the end, as happened to Powell.
What was new, and what is of interest in this context, was his fundamental critical reappraisal of socialist realism.
Having gained some positive critical reappraisal in recent years, the film is now considered a masterpiece in France, Argentina and Spain.
By the 1990s the film had undergone a complete critical reappraisal.
Such polar opposites stir things up and encourage critical reappraisals of interpretive traditions.