The film received a critical reassessment in the United States, where it is now generally regarded as one of the best exploitation films of the 1970s.
Nor is there any response to the critical reassessments (of the Kennedys and others) that have been published in recent years.
"History and biogeography of the mangrove ecosystem, based on a critical reassessment of the paleontological record".
In recent years the album has received some critical reassessment, primarily due to Bolin's contributions to the album.
Beginning in the 1970s, however, the film enjoyed a popular revival and critical reassessment.
As the young woman whose case triggered a critical reassessment of mental health programs.
Has there been much self-analysis, or critical reassessment of long held positions, here in Chicago?
Islam and Muslims: a critical reassessment.
She focuses on modern Arabic literature and critical reassessment of women's roles in the public sphere.
He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1956, following the death of Joseph Stalin and the critical reassessment of Stalinism.