The main musical criticism leveled at speed metal has been that it all sounds alike.
He welcomed the trade as an opportunity to prove the criticism leveled toward him was unjustified.
The main criticism levelled at them is that they lack stylistic consistency and organic form.
For the player, hearing the criticism leveled at his father because of the team's losing record has been difficult.
A criticism sometimes levelled at the daily corrections column is that it isn't funny enough.
Rising or falling together, he didn't take personally the criticism leveled at his films by the reviewers.
He also described some criticism leveled at the organization as "misinformation and disinformation."
A common criticism levelled at the preregistration year concerns the long hours of work.
The far from gentle criticism levelled at the Lamassoure report speaks for itself.
The criticisms levelled at the States by this Parliament, however, go further.