Lord Sugar criticized Tom and Vincent's appearance in the losing team for four consecutive weeks.
You can criticize his appearance, but you can't be critical of him as a race horse.
Images of the initial concept were met with much derision among the fans who criticized Joanna's new manga-like appearance.
She was no Gladys Cooper herself, but she never hesitated to criticize my appearance.
Some writers criticized the car's appearance and price, however.
Manchester Music was one of the first publications to criticise the band's politically incorrect appearance.
Q. Many of the women you've interviewed for your new book complain of mothers who criticize their appearance.
I realized that when the FedEx guy criticizes your appearance, it must be time to get out of the house.
His criticizing her physical appearance when she was perfectly normal was not a loving thing to do.
Except for those under 10, who thought the Jetsons-like Previa was coolest of all, the participants criticized its appearance.