Congressional Democrats from auto-producing states criticized the President's call for accelerated negotiations.
Iran was suspicious of Turkey's aims in the region and had criticised its call for US involvement.
Ms. Bachety also criticized Mr. Gaffney's call for all county departments to prepare layoff plans within one week.
Mr. Draskovic also criticized the alliance's call for demonstrations on Saturday, saying that his party "doesn't want to call people in the streets in these difficult times."
Verizon criticized the union's call for regional talks that would dwell on details about job security.
Reaction has not been limited to Bahrain: Gulf business leaders have gone public in criticising Al Alawi's call for restrictions on foreign labour.
The letter also criticized the bill's call for slashing about $200 million in economic aid to Russia if it maintained an observation post in the island nation.
Many corporate officials had criticized President Clinton's call for limiting deductibility on executive pay, calling it cheap populism and improper intervention in the private sector.
She painted him as a dilettante, saying that "public service is not volunteer work" and criticizing his call for a hiring freeze that would extend to teachers.