She also apologized for the "wrong" and "misleading" decision to run Mintz's op-ed criticizing Epstein's speech before it had happened.
Few Democrats publicly criticized the governor's speech, though some had mild criticism of his repeated references to Sept. 11.
Both criticized her speech as a calculated election-year address that offered few real solutions on issues like rising health care costs and job growth.
To the Editor: How typical of your editorial page to criticize President Bush's speech.
But the educational community was not unanimous in criticizing Mr. Bush's speech.
For instance, Mr. Kwik, the economist, criticized the President's speech on a televised panel show tonight that could never have been broadcast in the past.
Some city and political officials sharply criticized the Mayor's speech, saying that it lacked substance and failed to address some of the city's most serious ills.
I imagine Minister Patijn wishes to reply, as several Members have criticized his earlier speech.
Congressional Democrats were quick on Wednesday to criticize President Bush's latest speech citing progress in Iraq.